As the election cycle enters its final week, the lies coming from the McCain campaign are multiplying both in their numbers and in their sleaziness. Chances are you've heard one or more of the ones listed here. Please click the links for further information if you have any doubts on just how false they really are.
ALSO, please forward this information to everyone and anyone! We need to get the truth out. We can't afford to elect "leaders" who will say or do anything just to hold power and further their own political ambitions. Now is the time to hold them accountable. Once they are in office, there is little we can do to stop them (see: George W. Bush).
Driver's Licenses, Social Security, and Healthcare for Immigrants
Ad accuses Obama of wanting to give driver's licenses to illegals (including terrorists), healthcare to illegals, social security to illegals...
"Hardly a word in the ad is true. … despicable terror-pandering of the highest order."
Obama is Going to Take Away the Guns!
An ad accuses Obama of voting to "deny citizens the right of self-protection", and that he would make the homeowner a criminal in cases of home-invasion. All he voted for was to uphold a previously existing local gun ban in a small town, which had a maximum penalty of a $750 fine.
Obama's Tax Plan is Bad for Small Business Owners
In fact, it would benefit the vast majority of small businesses.
Obama is a "Socialist" who wants to "Spread the Wealth"
Ridiculous right-wing lying and fear-mongering at its finest.
Obama and "congressional liberals" want to raise taxes on families making $42,000
It's just false. This is not now and never has been part of Obama's tax proposals.
Obama voted 94 times to increase taxes.
Again, not even close.
McCain and Palin are Socialists!
Actually this one is true. Well, in as much as, they support the same type of "wealth-spreading" policies that they are accusing Barack Obama of.
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