Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Obama Voted Against Our Troops!

The McCain campaign threw this out on a commercial a few months ago. They recently trotted it out again, this time by Cindy McCain saying that Senator Obama had voted against "funding for my son".

Senator Obama has voted for troop funding at least 10 times since he's been in the senate. The GOP is referring to a single vote that took place in 2007. On this particular bill, the democrats had added a non-binding call to withdraw the troops from Iraq. Senator Obama voted for that version of the bill. John McCain (who did not vote for or against the measure) urged President Bush to veto the bill, which he did.

(As such, it would also be true to say that "John McCain urged a veto of funding for our troops." Which would be just as misleading as their claim about Obama.)

When the bill came back through the senate, Obama this time voted against it in protest. When he did so, he sent out a press release explaing his decision. In read in part: "We must fund our troops. But we owe them something more. We owe them a clear, prudent plan to relieve them of the burden of policing someone else's civil war."


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