Thursday, October 9, 2008

A Game-Changer for John McCain?

If John McCain really wanted a game changer, he should call a national press conference and make a statement like the following. All of his personal attacks are ultimately going to backfire, since they are largely without merit. But saying something like this would make people sit up and take notice, and he'd earn a LOT of respect from many people on all sides.

My friends, as you are all well aware, my opponent is the first African-American to compete as a major party nominee. Now there's been a lot of talk about race in this campaign. I'm here to tell you that racial accusations, personal attacks and fear mongering have to stop NOW. We've looked into the Bill Ayers association, and it appears harmless; Senator Obama is by no means a terrorist sympathizer. We've examined his comments regarding his former pastor Reverend Wright, and do not feel that the reverend's tainted views in any way reflect those of senator Obama.

So let's throw out the question of character, and let's talk about the issues. The American people have spoken loud and clear that that's what they want to talk about. I've heard some hateful and even dangerous things from audience members of my rallies recently, and frankly I won't stand for it. My opponent is a good man, an intelligent man, and he loves America like you and me, but he lacks the experience and the plan that will help the American people. I believe Senator Obama is wrong on his tax plan, wrong on the economy, wrong on healthcare, wrong on energy, and wrong on foreign policy. And here's why:

{Blah Blah Blah}

So in conclusion, I don't want you to vote for me because you are afraid to vote for a black man. That isn't what this country is about. I want you to vote for me because you know that I'll be the better leader, and that I have the better plan to move our country forward. And that's the case I'm going to make to you between now and election day.

Now THAT would be a game changer. His numbers would skyrocket overnight. Thank god he'll never do it.

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